Langkah-langkah mudah
membuat irc server dengan
Unreal pada OS Linux
1. Tentukan dir tempat instalasi.
Misal: /home/user
2. Upload Aplikasi Unreal: wget http http://
3. Extrak file: tar -zxvf
4. Membuat dir baru: mkdir -p / home/user/unreal/bin; mkdir /
5. Installasi ada 2 pilihan config. 1
dengan ssl: cd /home/user/
Unreal3.2.7; ./configure --with-
showlistmodes --enable-hub -- enable-ssl --enable-ziplinks --
enable-prefixaq --with-listen=5
conf --with-spath=/home/user/
unreal/bin/ircd --with-nick-
history=2000 --with- sendq=3000000 --with-
bufferpool=18 --with-
--with-permissions=0600 --with-
fd-setsize=1024 --enable-
dynamic-linking yang ke 2 tanpa ssl: cd /home/
user/Unreal3.2.7; ./configure --
with-showlistmodes --enable-hub
--enable-prefixaq --with-listen=5
conf --with-spath=/home/user/ unreal/bin/ircd --with-nick-
history=2000 --with-
sendq=3000000 --with-
bufferpool=18 --with-
--with-permissions=0600 --with- fd-setsize=1024 --enable-
6. kemudian: make install
7. Masuk dir: /home/user/unreal/
8. Untuk config yang memakai SSL: openssl req -newkey
rsa:1024 -nodes -keyout
server.key.pem -out
server.cert.pem -x509 -days
3650 -subj "/C=XX/ST=XX/L=XX/
O=XX/OU=XX/CN=имяyour.server. (hostname)/emailAddress="
your@email.addr This e-mail
address is being protected from
spambots. You need JavaScript
enabled to view it
9. Tetap di dir conf: pico unrealircd.conf
masukkan conf sebagai berikut:
loadmodule "modules/";
loadmodule "modules/";
include "help.conf"; include "";
include "badwords.message.conf";
include "badwords.quit.conf";
include "spamfilter.conf";
hideserver {
disable-map yes; map-deny-message "You're not
an IRC operator";
me {
name "";
info "Server Testing"; numeric 139;
admin { "Admin ( admin@ This e-mail
address is being protected from
spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it )"; };
class clients
pingfreq 180;
maxclients 5000;
sendq 1000000; recvq 32000;
class servers
pingfreq 60;
maxclients 100; sendq 99999999;
connfreq 60;
allow {
ip *@*;
hostname *@*; class clients;
maxperip 100;
listen ketik ip server:6667
{ options { clientsonly; }; };
listen ketik ip server:8800 { options { serversonly; }; };
ulines {;;
log "ircd.log" { maxsize 512000;
flags {
}; };
alias NickServ { type services; };
alias ChanServ { type services; };
alias AdminServ { type services; }
alias HelpServ { type services; }; alias MemoServ { type services; }
alias HostServ { type services; };
alias BotServ { type services; };
alias StatServ { type stats; };
alias "identify" { format "^#" {
nick "chanserv";
type services;
parameters "IDENTIFY %1-";
format "^[^#]" { nick "nickserv";
type services;
parameters "IDENTIFY %1-";
type command;
}; alias "services" {
format "^#" {
nick "chanserv";
type services;
parameters "%1-";
}; format "^[^#]" {
nick "nickserv";
type services;
parameters "%1-";
type command; };
alias "identify" {
format "^#" {
nick "chanserv";
type services;
parameters "IDENTIFY %1-"; };
format "^[^#]" {
nick "nickserv";
type services;
parameters "IDENTIFY %1-";
}; type command;
alias "cs" {
format "^" {
nick "chanserv";
type services; parameters "%1-";
type command;
alias "ns" {
format "^" { nick "nickserv";
type services;
parameters "%1-";
type command;
}; alias "ms" {
format "^" {
nick "memoserv";
type services;
parameters "%1-";
}; type command;
alias "os" {
format "^" {
nick "operserv";
type services; parameters "%1-";
type command;
alias "bs" {
format "^" { nick "botserv";
type services;
parameters "%1-";
type command;
}; alias "hs" {
format "^" {
nick "hostserv";
type services;
parameters "%1-";
}; type command;
alias "rs" {
format "^" {
nick "rootserv";
type services; parameters "%1-";
type command;
alias "hls" {
format "^" { nick "helpserv";
type services;
parameters "%1-";
type command;
}; alias "mss" {
format "^" {
nick "massserv";
type services;
parameters "%1-";
}; type command;
alias "as" {
format "^" {
nick "adminserv";
type services; parameters "%1-";
type command;
alias "ss" {
format "^" { nick "seenserv";
type services;
parameters "%1-";
type command;
}; ban nick {
mask "*serv*";
reason "Reserved for Services";
ban ip {
mask; reason "Delinked server";
ban user {
mask *serv*@*;
reason "Idiot";
}; ban realname {
mask "Swat Team";
reason "mIRKFORCE";
ban server {
mask; reason "Get out of here.";
except ban {
mask *stskeeps@212.*;
deny dcc { filename "*sub7*";
reason "Possible Sub7 Virus";
deny channel {
channel "*services*";
reason "Services is illegal"; };
set {
network-name "planetwork";
services-server "";
help-channel "#help";
oper-auto-join "#staff";
auto-join "#tulungagung"; cloak-keys {
}; hosts {
local "locop";
global "ircop";
coadmin "co-admin";
admin "admin";
servicesadmin "servicesadmin"; netadmin "netadmin";
host-on-oper-up "no";
set {
kline-address " kline@
semoga bermanfaat
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